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Towards Zero Waste Apple Blossom Logo.jpg

The first "Toward Zero Waste" effort was held during the 2023 Apple Blossom Festival. Read the blog here to find out more about the effort's success. And stay tuned for 2024 info!


Keeping recyclable and compostable waste out of landfills helps cool the planet by reducing greenhouse gas emissions and protecting pristine forests that draw carbon out of the atmosphere. You can contribute to a stable climate so we always have apple blossoms to celebrate.


In this first year of working Toward Zero Waste at the Apple Blossom Festival, many local groups have come together to offer a few ways to reduce waste while enjoying the festivities.


The first are"Towards Zero Waste" stations that were available during Youth Day on Sunday April 30th. Look out for them to recycle and compost with the help of local volunteers. Thank you to participating food fair vendors including Cakes for College, Cuc Tran, Garlini's, and Inna's Cuisine


Thanks to generous sponsors, a new and improved beer garden featured compostable cups, and empty bottles were repurposed at 911 Glass Rescue.This happened throughout the festival, from April 27 through May 7, 2023. Also, for the first time, all fair vendors had access to recycling their cardboard boxes throughout the fair. 


Have questions or suggestions for things to add to the Wizard? We want to hear from you! Please send your feedback to If the Spanish translation does not work, try using a different internet browser.

The effort is coordinated by Wenatchee Valley Rotary Clubs, Waste Loop, and Sustainable NCW. Composting service provided by Winton Mfg Compost Works and recycling provided by Waste Management. Thanks to Young Life volunteers for helping make this happen as well! 

5. WintonMfg.jpg
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Thank you to Icicle Brewing Company and München Haus for generously donating the compostable cups for the beer garden!

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